Ignite Life Chiropractic

At Ignite Life Chiropractic, Dr. Byers uses state-of-the-art technology in assessing each practice member to get an exact location of the cause of their health problems.

The human body is designed to be self-regulating and self-healing. The part of the body which is responsible for the self-regulating and self-healing properties of the body is the nervous system. The spinal column is designed to protect the vital connection between the nervous system and the body. Therefore, an optimal functioning spine and nervous system equals optimal health. Today the research says it all. The following list of research is by no means complete. We will continue to add quality research to our archive so be sure to check back regularly. If there is a health concern which you do not see listed below but would like to know if chiropractic can help you please contact our office and we will be more than happy to discuss your particular situation.

Although Chiropractic is effective in providing patch-up or pain relief treatment, we have found correcting the spine offers long term benefits. This is why our office specializes in Principled Chiropractic care.

Thanks to technological advances and new understanding of the spine and nervous system, we are now able to correct the spine and use pre and post x-rays to document this change. These changes are achieved through a series of specialized gentle adjustments. If we are able to accept your case, a care plan will be recommended based on the pre-existing levels of degeneration in your spine, your age, levels of activity, and your response to an adjustment. Not every spine is correctable for us so we always start with a checkup to evaluate your potential for success in our office.

When a person seeks chiropractic care and when their chiropractor accepts them for chiropractic care, it is essential that they are both working toward the same goal. Traditionally, the focus of health care is centered around a persons symptoms and the treatment or relief of their symptoms. This is the entire basis for relief care. Today Chiropractic care is very well known for its ability to provide relief care and is often referred to as miraculous in its ability to provide relief where all other forms of health care have failed. However, although many chiropractors specialize in and are extremely successful with providing relief care, this was never the intended purpose for Chiropractic. Chiropractic from its inception over 110 years ago was designed to be a Principled form of health care. The goal or objective of Chiropractic is to identify the underlying cause of a person health challenge and to correct it. A condition of the spine known as Vertebral Subluxation interferes with the bodies natural ability to heal itself. Principled and Wellness Chiropractors locate Vertebral Subluxations, thoroughly analyze all of its components, design a specific program of adjustments and exercises to correct Vertebral Subluxations, and most importantly to help you and your family learn how to achieve a state of optimal health and how to maintain a healthy spine into the future.